Vivien Koo Wan Ting' is my perfect name.U can call me '
v' or '
vien' if u wan ! :D
27th February 1996' is when i took my first breath of this wonderful world.[ Buy me presents worh !!! :X ]
'' is where u can chat wif me ! :D
Gongshang Primary School' is where i made my first batch of best friends ! :D
St Hildas Secondary School' is where i made my second batch of best friends ! :D
'I am
single and unavailable.xD
Want my contact numbers ? Get it from me urself ! blehs:P
Last of all , pls don spam my blog ! Thanks , and have fun touring around my blog ! :D
*My friends*
*Cute children*
*Being loved*
*Being left out*
*People who sabotage others*
*People who makes me sad*
*2-headed people*
*Selfish people*
*More pocket money !!! :D *
*More friends !!! :D *
*A hamster !!! :D *
*A Yorkie Teacup[a kind of dog]!!! :D *
*MYUK wallet!!! :D *
*New slingbag !!! :D *
*New phone !!! :D *
*Own room !!! :D *
*New bag pack !!! :D
*A very best fren of MY OWN !!! :D *
*A real volleyball !!! :D *
*A real Crumpler bag :D *

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Damn so irritated and dissapointed.
Wtf. Who was the one who promised to wait for me then watch 2012 together. ITS YOU. I told wou i HATE people whom break their PROMISES. U broke it, and so I HATE YOU. Wtfffff. I tot you would not break ur promise one cans. U dissapointed me.
JLJW. ==.
Now damn so irritated. Anw, finally packed finish my bag for Annual Camp. Miri Trip... Seems so uninteresting right now. }:. Seriously regretted to go. Its too late right now, too lateee. D':
Nothing much to talk lerhs, cos i'm damn so irritated. Bye.
Ending here, Vivienn.
I WAS HERE @ 2:23 AM l

Friday, November 13, 2009
Haiz. Staying at home and rot is pure torture. }:. I wanna go out leis. :/
Feel like Asking Jaime, Jonthan and Li Ching come my house slack agains. :X. Hehe. Long time never go my house voiddeck bbt shop slack with them lerhs. ^^. Missing them like hell cans. I wan see them, i miss themmm. O:
Anyone care to come my house and pei me ??? ^^. I would love u like crazy if you come. :D. Please comeee, anyone ??? :D.
Haiz. Suddenly feel like going to Escape again. D':. Going to Escape reminds me of the memories, the fun we had. Haiz. From there, i got that feeling. But now, the feeling faded. Realli faded. I don know why, but it just faded away. :/.
I want to go Escape !!! D:
I WAS HERE @ 8:12 PM l

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Haiz. Something happened last few days. Shall not elaborate, cos its something BAD. So... Yea, the problem is solved already. ^^. Damn so glad to know that the problem's solved. No more ignoring, no more anger. :D.Oh wellxz, anyone cared to go for a movie ??? :D. I wanna watch '2012'. That show is nice, i think. So interesting bout the end of the world which is obviously drawing near us. I wonder what's it like if it really happens. Its so going to be wonderful for the end of world to come. No more school, no more everything. ^^
Ending here,
I WAS HERE @ 8:10 PM l

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Sian sian sian. -.-
Haiz. Actually today supposed to go out with Jaime, Jeannie, Jonathan, Li Ching derhs. But i can't cos its in the morning. D:. Sad sial. Wth. If only it can be in the afternoon, then i can go liao leis. Anw,
wish Li Ching a Happy Birthday worhs. Me loveee you, T1. :D
So sorry today cannot go celebrate ur birthday with you guys. Damn so sorry. :/. Paiseh arhs. >_<
Anw, me feeling very de sian right now. Later gonna get tortured again when my nephews wake up from their sweet sweet afternoon nap. Super tired, don feel like taking care of my nephew later. ==!. Siannnn sial.
Haiz. If only Jaime, Jonathan and Li Ching can come my house againnn. :D. That would be oh-so-great. :D. Miss all of them damn so much cans. Tot today can see them derhs, but in the end cannot. Haiya. Stupid sial. Spoil my mood. -.-'''
Oh, and. De new maid came yesterday. Hoho. But not very much of a use anyways. :X. I tot when de new maid come, my work will be lessened, cos no nid take care of my nephews all that lerhs. In the end leis, both my nephew don wan find her, come find me play. Wtf. Got maid like no maid like that. My work still the same, my mum's work reduced. ==!. Eh eh. De new maid come is to help both my mum and me de kays. Now become ONLY my mum work reduce. -.-'''. Wt... Feeling damn so cheated. :/
Ending here,
I WAS HERE @ 9:14 PM l

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Haiz... :/
Now feeling super vexed and irritated. -.-'''
Folding 400 stars ain't easy ,manxz. I don know spoil how many stars liao lo. Still must fold until 400. Wth. Damn pissed. Feel like just throwing the stars all that into the dustbin. Grrr...
Anw, i don know why the feeling came back to me. I seriously don know. :/. I don wan to have this type of feelins ever again. But i just cannot get rid of it. I don know why i have this feeling, i don know why i only have feelings for you... >_<
I miss you, i swear. O:
Ending here,
I WAS HERE @ 4:09 AM l

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Funnn. :D
Hey hey. {:
Anw, this two days, Jaime and Jonathan came to my house. Hoho. :D.First Day - Monday, 2nd November
Jaime came my house first. Then we went my house voiddeck de BubbleTea Shop there eat, drink, talk, then waited for Jaime's brother[Jonathan] to come. We wait damn so long until no patience liao, then we went up back to my house wait. Then finally he came. LOL. Then later he come in then we go my sister room chat and use computer. {:. And my big Nephew like Jonathan alot. The two of them play till damn so cute. Haha. Then after a few hours they went home. Lols.
Second Day - Tuesday, 3rd November
Today Jaime, Jonathan and Li Ching came my house. Haha. :D
Li Ching and Jonathan come first. {:. And i remembered i told Jonathan that they 2pm like that then can come my house, cos i nid go school awhile. So, 12+ like that i was tying my hair. Then tie till half way, i heard someone shouting my name. -.-. Then i go look down the window then saw Jonathan but he never see me. So i shout back "OI". Then he never reply. So, forget it. Then i go back tying my hair. Then later, i tie till half way also, i heard someone knocking on my house door. -.-. Jonathan and Li Ching outside my house liao. LOL.
So fast come for what, i haven even go school leis. :/. Then i open door for them lo. Then they two stand there don wan come in, cos Jonathan want Li Ching go in first then Li Ching wan Jonathan go in first. -.-. Then drag drag drag, drag till my nephew and mum wake up. Then they finally come in. LOL. FINALLY arhs. >_<>_<. Quite fun leis. And everything Jonathan do to the bears, me and Li Ching would laugh cos it looks damn so wrong can. :X And my nephew see Jonathan very happy. -.-. My nephew sure love Jonathan alot, huh. Then later my nephew and Jonathan play till very funny. My nephew did something to Jonathan. :X. Paiseh paiseh. XD. So sorry that he did that to you. HAHA. :X.
Anw, in summary, JUST HAD FUN WITH MY FRIENDS. :D. Laughed damn damn damn so lots. Haha. My funny and cute bunch of friends. XD
I WAS HERE @ 2:54 AM l