Vivien Koo Wan Ting' is my perfect name.U can call me '
v' or '
vien' if u wan ! :D
27th February 1996' is when i took my first breath of this wonderful world.[ Buy me presents worh !!! :X ]
'' is where u can chat wif me ! :D
Gongshang Primary School' is where i made my first batch of best friends ! :D
St Hildas Secondary School' is where i made my second batch of best friends ! :D
'I am
single and unavailable.xD
Want my contact numbers ? Get it from me urself ! blehs:P
Last of all , pls don spam my blog ! Thanks , and have fun touring around my blog ! :D
*My friends*
*Cute children*
*Being loved*
*Being left out*
*People who sabotage others*
*People who makes me sad*
*2-headed people*
*Selfish people*
*More pocket money !!! :D *
*More friends !!! :D *
*A hamster !!! :D *
*A Yorkie Teacup[a kind of dog]!!! :D *
*MYUK wallet!!! :D *
*New slingbag !!! :D *
*New phone !!! :D *
*Own room !!! :D *
*New bag pack !!! :D
*A very best fren of MY OWN !!! :D *
*A real volleyball !!! :D *
*A real Crumpler bag :D *

Saturday, October 31, 2009
Saddened. }:
I don wan u go NA. I DON WAN. D:. Ur my best friend and i can tell u that i am gonna miss you for sure. Ur jokes, ur laughters in the class, is going to be G O N E next year. }:
Anw, cried yesterday for FOUR times cos of the same thing. }:. I'm super sad. Don know why. Retarded i know. :/
Stopping here,
I WAS HERE @ 4:08 AM l

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Sorryyy. :/
Haiz. Made someone angry. D:
I'm realli very sorryyy. }:
I realli don't know that was a flower that u made it urself. I tot its just a blank crushed paper. Sorryyy. D':
Wish u could forgive me. }:I did appreciated ur efforts...
Seriously, i am sorryyy. }:
Very very very sorry. D:
Ending here,
I WAS HERE @ 12:07 AM l

Monday, October 19, 2009
Hmph. Just came back from Hospital. :/ Close friends of mine knows why i keep going hospital. {:
Anyway, just now sms-ed Mrs Toh and ask if can pon school for these few days or even weeks. Then she say NO cos nid check scripts. -___-!. Check script also sooo important mehs... Haiz. Damn so pissed. I don wan go school. I wan stay at Hospital... D':
Now nothing do again. Worrying bout tomorrow. Haiz... Wish everything would be fine and alright and soon soon soon, everything would go back to NORMAL. :/. Hope that everything would be okay. Haiz...
And, special thanks to those who cared and comforted me. Super duper thanked. :D. Love you guys manxz. :DDD.
Ending here,
I WAS HERE @ 3:33 AM l

Monday, October 12, 2009
My Wish. :D
Hey hey. {:
Suddenly, i was reminded of my wish since i was young. Awww. O:
I promised myself that once i am old enough and have enough money, i would buy TWO dogs. One would be a MALE and another a FEMALE. And i shall make a GRAND WEDDING for two of them, let them get married. :D
And soon, little puppies would be born. And ...there would be one big family. :D
That's my wish. And i am going to strive for that wish, as i promised myself. Please don think i am crazy, cos i am serious. :D
Tadaaa. Thats my wish. :D
Crazy ??? Stupid ??? Cool ???
I don care what u think about my wish. But i am really gonna make that wish come true. :D
Ending here,
I WAS HERE @ 11:51 PM l

Monday, October 5, 2009
Stupid Attitude.
Today got Geog exam. Haizzz. Not enough time manxz. Stupid. }:. I think my 20 marks just flew away like this. :O
Anw... U stop showing me attitude hor. Stupid. I never make u then u ownself come show me those stupid attitude. Shit u luh. Kns. ==
Nothing more to say. Bye.
Ending here,
I WAS HERE @ 12:51 AM l