Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Hey hey... {:?
Haiz. Today not in very good mood... Haiz... Anyways, wish Kor get well soon. {:. Somemore now is exam period. Hais. Kor arh, Get well soon luhs !!! }:
Ohkays... Anyways, the joke u cracked was NOT funny AT ALL. I don know if u are realli joking with me or not, I don care. Just don ever betray her. I swear I will kill u if u betray her...
Hais. Nvm... i stop here lerhs. Byeee...
Ending here,
I WAS HERE @ 4:10 AM l

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Hey hey. {:
Hoho. Just now in the morning like 7am sharp step out of house. Haha. Went aunt's house. Later 12 like that still nid go out again for the same event. My cousin getting married. Hoho. Congrats to them. {{{:
Haiz. The weather is so so so hot !!! T_T. Even if the fan is blowing at me, its still HOT. Haizzz. What kind of stupid weather is this. TSK.
LOL. Nothing to blog bout lerhs. Haha. Nothing to do. }:. Byeee.
Ending here,
I WAS HERE @ 7:06 PM l

Friday, September 25, 2009
Yayness :D
Hey hey. {:
Oh yea. I have a new 'complete family'[ofcos is fake one] !!! :DDD.
The family members are : Mummyyy - Jonathan Loh. {:
Kor - Clement Tan. {:
Jie - Li Ching. {:
Mei - MEEE. :D
Haha. long time no play family game lerhs. Its so fun. Hoho. Yayness !!! :DDD. Love my new family. Hoho. :D
Lols. Anyways, today no GB. :D. Cos EOY coming. Hoho. YES. EOY EOY EOY. If my de l1l5
mark is below 30... I can have free Macs sponsor ANYTIME AND ANYWHERE !!! :DDD. So happy. Haha.
Hmmm. nothing else to say lerhs. Hoho. Byeee. {{{:
Ending here,
I WAS HERE @ 10:26 PM l

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Hey hey. (:
Yesterday, which is supposed to be a public holiday... I went to de FamilyDay Fair for GB Meeting. Hoho. {:. Was fun, but tiring and hot. >_<
Reach Macs in the morning with Jeannie, met Qi En, and ate breakfast together. {{{:. Then later the seniors come. Haha. :D.
Then later walk to school at like 7.15 am...? The school gate closed. Then one teacher came driving and called the teachers inside to opne up the gates. Haha. Teachers having small small meeting inside school. {:. It was "Mr.BD" who came to open the doors. Hoho. :D Saw Mrs Lim inside the canteen there. First time see her wear shorts. Haha. q:
Then later, sat bus to the fair there. Waited there for a long long time for the captains ball game to start. {:. Sang with Qi En and Jeannie. HAHA. Kept singing the same song again and again. q:. had fun. Haha.
Then after waiting for quite long, Miss Gan say can go walk walk see see, see what can eat later. Yayness !!! :DDD. So went to walk and see with Qi En and Jeannie. {:. Saw XU CHUN MEI[hope u guys know who is she] !!! Hahahaha. Laughed like hell with Qi En. XDDD. Wanted to stalk her and see what she do derhs. But in the end never. HAHA. Saw her 2 times. LOL !!! Then saw alot of ppl whom we know too. {{{: Saw Berwyn. Haha. Wanted to scare him at first, but in the end the attempt failed. q:
Ate alot of things at the fair. Haha. Gonna grow fat, soon. q:.
After that, went home from CityHall MRT Station, i think. Went back with Qi En and Jeannie and Seniors. {{{:. Had fun on MRT. Haha.
Then later, finally reached interchange, then saw Jonathan. Our starting of conversation was RETARDED. We sounded as if we don know each other. HAHA. q:
Thats all for today !~ {{{:
Ending here,
I WAS HERE @ 3:53 AM l

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Hey hey. (:
Today is a boring day. Haiz. Slept during English Lesson while listening to the Audio Book. Haha. Woken up by Mrs Toh. >_<. So tired.
-Fast Forward-
After school, take timing for Netballers. Haha. Fun fun fun. (:. I ran with Jaime. Tired tired tired. Can die. Now then i realise its not easy to run 30 rounds. :X. The rounds seem so small and easy, but its tiring, indeed. >_<. Ran about 4 rounds like that and i gave up. Haha. I'm so noob, i know. I wearing Uniform somemore. More tired. Hahaha.
And then take timing finish, sat down and chat for awhile, and went home with Aishwarya, Jeannie, Simarpreet, Li Ching, Samantha. All of them dropped off at the interchange except for me and Simar. LoL.
Then after all of them gone, there is this strange CRAZY uncle, sitting in front of me and Simar. Suddenly he turn around and scold me say[In chinese] : "OI. Stop shaking ur leg !!!", when ME AND SIMAR NEVER EVEN SHAKE OUR LEG. Then i say : " I never shake !!! ". Then he stare at me. Then later he say what " TOMBOY ". =_='''. Then i say " Crazy ". Then he stare back at me, so i stare back. So crazy luh that uncle. =_=!
Okay luh end here le. {:
Ending here,
I WAS HERE @ 2:41 AM l

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Hey hey. (:
Yesterday had some moodswings. >_<. Cried over some silly stuffs. ):. Felt much better after some ppl's comforting and stuffs. (:. Thank you all. :DDD.
And today, something bad happened. DDD:. My volleyball got confiscated by Mr Wes Wee !!! Haiz. All thanks to the boys whom lent my volleyball and played in class. =.=! Sad sad sad !!! ))):
And after school, went back with Aishwarya, Nurush and Jeannie. :D. Chatted loads. Haha.
Yayyy !!! Tmr sis coming back from Thailand !!! :DDD. Wish she bought me some stuffs that i told her to buy for me. So excited. :D.
Ending here,
Vivienn. (:
I WAS HERE @ 3:51 AM l

Saturday, September 12, 2009
Hey hey. (:
Yesterday cleaned GB Room from 2pm to 5pm+. +_+. Very tired. I was scrubbing the wall for about 1 hour like that. Cos nothing to do, so i keep scrubbing lo. Hand gonna break soon. Haha. q:
Then after clearing all the things, sat down and chat with Seniors. :DDD. Very fun and I absolutely enjoyed toking to them. Was laughing almost all the time. Haha. All seniors very friendly and fun to tok with. Shared some small small secrets among each other. :DDD. LOL. Haha.
Then after a day of tired and fun day, went home with Jeannie. We left school at around 7+. O_O!. And reach home at going to 8pm. Haiz. So tired. But still have alot of fun luh. :DDD
Oh oh. And, i seriously love playing volleyball with my seniors. :D.
Love GB to the max. :DDD
I WAS HERE @ 8:14 PM l

Thursday, September 10, 2009
a boring but memorable day. (:
Hey hey. (:
Today in the 'morning', went for DEP lessons. 2 hours some more... And Celine never come. So that left me, Tiff, Craig and Moses in the group onli. Quite fun though, cos no more snatching of the lappy. Haha. :D. Chatted and gossiped with Tiff and Craig. Jaime caught us gossipping. HAHA. q:
And finally, DEP is over !!! YAY. :DDD. Went to Macs with Jaime, Jeannie, Stefanie, Tiffany, and Li Ching to eat and slack. :D. One simple word to describe : " FUN !!! ". First time all 6 of us went out together. :DDD. Laughed alot. And Tiffany Tan keep catching me saying wrong diction !!! D:. So bad. Keep insulting me also. ):. All oso like to bully and insult me. And i don understand why u people like to insult me. =.=!!!
After eating, went to the basketball court there to play volleyball. :D. Was fun. Haha. PLayed with Jaime, Jeannie and Li Ching. Tiff and Stef went home. LOL. Had loads and loads of fun. I love playing volleyball with Jaime they all. (:.
Okay luh. Stop here le. Buay buay. (:
Oh oh. And... I CAN'T BELIEVE YESTERDAY NIGHT I DROPPED A TEAR OF JOY. =.=!!! LOL. First time. Haha. I love the one who fulfiled my wish for me !!! Love ya. (:
I WAS HERE @ 3:29 AM l

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
nothing to do!!!
Hey hey. (:
The night before yesterday, chatted with Geraldine on phone. Haha. At first was messaging. But cos scared my sms later burst, so i call her to tok. HAHA. Had alot of laughter while chatting with her. :D Love chatting with her. (:
And after awhile i found out that i know quite alot of things about her. Heehee. So fun so interesting. LOL. XD.
Haiz. Now no one is online. No one to chat with me. ): So sian. I NID SOMEONE TO CHAT WITH ME !!! Someone please call me to chat or something...?
Ending here,
I WAS HERE @ 9:16 PM l

Sunday, September 6, 2009
Hey hey. (:
Today very tired. In the morning 5 plus like that woke up. Prepared le then go to school there see doc with my mum and sis. 5plus wake up, before 6am like that go out. O_O. Crazy rite...? Haha. Cannot blame us. Cos the clinic onli takes the first 20 ppl who queues up there early in the morning before it haven even open. +_+
Reach there at like 6.15 like that, i think. Haiz. So early, so sian. Slept at the chair there for awhile. Cos realli very tired marh.
Haiz. End here le ba. By by. :D
I WAS HERE @ 10:52 PM l

Saturday, September 5, 2009
Sad... ):
Yesterday after GB Meeting, went to tamp with Qi En and Jeannie. Had loads and loads of fun. Keep on laughing. Haha. (:
Haiz. Now nothing to do again. +_+
Feeling quite sad now. D:.
I just keep wondering why have u changed so much all of a sudden. These few days... U have been rather cold to me. I don like this type of u. I want the old u. Please don change and please don be cold to me !!! DDD:. Ur still be bestest fren. I don wan to lose u. ):
I WAS HERE @ 9:30 PM l

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Sian sian sian !!! DDD:
Hey hey. (:
Haiz. Sian. Today is just another boring day for me.
In class some people sms me stupid things. Waste my sms can. >_<
Oh. And today kind of change our seating arrangement. :D I like my seat now. Is at the back of the class. And all those around me all very funny. Haha. Never stop laughing in class. XDDD. But the sad thing is, the seating arrangement is only for today and tomorrow. T_T. I wanna sit there !!! I don wanna change back. ):
Then after school stay back with netballers. LoL. Quite fun. :D Take for them de timing for their 30 rounds. Haha. Then take halfway de coach come. O_O! I don know why i so scared of de coach. XD. Haha.
LoL. Sian. Nothing more to say liao. By by. (:
I WAS HERE @ 5:04 AM l