Saturday, May 30, 2009
Outing !!!
Yo-z !!!
HAHAHAHAHA !!! Currently cracking my head to think of a day to go out with my friends !!!
Maybe going to chalet this week-thursday ??? Not sure yet.See first ba. Haven ask mom if can go or not. XP
And looking forward to the meet-up wif Qi jie and Lao Po !!!
And for the SHSS.vs.CCSS meet-up , will be specially looking forward for it !!! The meet-up is sure going to be fun !!! Cos the other 2 person who are from CCSS , are...Qi Jie and Joycelene !!! 2 Hildans VS 2 CCSS'ians !!! HAHAHA !!! Loads of fun coming up soon soon soon !~
See ya !!! Posted wif luv-luv !!!
I WAS HERE @ 11:04 PM l

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Test by Simar
Name a friend from A-Z!
A : Amanda 'Qi jie' ( GSPS )
B :
-Ben 10-C : Chervina ( GSPS )
D : Dickson ( GSPS )
E :
-Elephant-F : Faith ( SHSS )
G : Geraldine ( SHSS )
H :
-Hotdogtop-I :
-Insanes-J :
Jeannie ( SHSS )K : Kim meng ( SHSS )
L : Li Ching ( SHSS )
M :
-Mickey Mouse-N :
Nicole ( SHSS )O :
-Orang Utan-P :
-Penguin-Q :
-Queen Ant-R :
-Red bull-S :
-Saint Hildas-T : Tiffany ( SHSS )
U :
-Unicorn-V :
-Vinniedine-W :
-Whale-X :
Xin Hui ( GSPS )Y :
-Yellow Dirty Fellow-Z :
Zachery ( SHSS ) 1 ) . can R & S be together in BRG?
( Red Bull+Saint Hildas )- Hmmm.I don think so. XD2, how is L related to you?
( Li Ching )
- Bestiies !!! :D3, does Y know Z?
( Yellow Dirty Fellow+Zachery )- Ya.Indeed,they are of the same kind. :X4, if C betrays you , will you kill her?
( Chervina )- YES !!!5, if K steals your boyfriend, what will you do?
( Kim Meng )-
No,he will not.Cos i know he is not gay.6, if B tells you that he have a crush on you , what will you do?
( Ben 10 )- He can never tell me that.Cos he is always in the television and can never get out. XD7, will you & M gets into a fight?
( Mickey Mouse )- We can never get to fight.Cos he is also always in the television and can never get out~8, who does K have a crush on?
( Kim Meng )- Erm.I do know who he likes.But i cannot betray him.So i cannot answer this. :)9, if L calls you a bitch, what will you do?
( Li Ching )- I would ask her if she had remembered to eat her medicine or not. XD10, whats the relationship between you & E?
( Elephant )- Human and animal ?11, who does Z like?
( Zachery )- I don know.And i don care.12, who is I's best friend?
( Insanes )- Lunatics ?13, what colour does Y like?
( Yellow Dirty Fellow )- Yellow ?14, where does F live?
( Faith )- Tanah Merah.15, did you & C have a fight before?
( Chervina )- Yes ?16, who is H's best friend?
( Hotdogtop )- Jeannie.Hotdogtop is Jeannie's teddy. XD17, what can you say about T?
(Tiffany)- Have a huge sense of humour ? :X18, if J tells you he have a crush on you ?
( Jeannie )- I would touch her forehead to make sure that she is not having a fever. XD19, who is G's idol?
( Geraldine )- I don know. :(20, tag 10 people to do this quiz.
- Geraldine
-Li Ching
-Zhen Rong
I WAS HERE @ 4:05 AM l

Friday, May 22, 2009
Bossaball !!!
Yo-z !!!
Hey , all who participated in the interclass game , bossaball ... U guys have made the right choice !!! XD
Oh my gosh !!! Bossaball is sooo damn superrr fun !!! We have to play volleyball , soccer and many other games on a inflatable thing / platform !!! Paiseh ... I don know how to say that ... If u still don understand what bossaball is about , go to this website !!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlVUM5FqYR4&feature=relatedWatch it , and u will know how fun it is !!! Wait !!! But girls who are interested , u have no more chance of participating already ... Cos there is no more space for u girls to participate in !!! Muahahahahhahaha !!! Who ask u all who don wan to participate in the first place ... Too bad !~ Xp
Anyway , pls pray hard for us and wish us good luck for the interclass games !!!
1E , JIA YOU !!!
I WAS HERE @ 2:16 AM l

Sunday, May 17, 2009
New blogskin ~
Yo-z !
Wahahahahahahahahahahahaha !!! I finally changed my blogskin le . Haha !!! Sooo happy .
Oh ya !!! U know what ? I found out yesterday that i can actually wear my big nephew's clothes !!! OMG!!! Both shirt and pants !!! ( Mind u , the clothes are for 2 years old babies !!! )
I guess u guys are not surprised at all . Cos i am so ' small - sized ' . So there is nothing to be interesting about when i can wear my nephew's clothes . So sad . DX
Haiz . Nvm . Anyway , i am sooo happy !!! U know why ? Cos i made a new friend yesterday !!! She is Amanda( Qi jie )'s friend . But now , she is also my friend !!! Haha !!! Thanks , Qi jie for introducing me to her !!! And thanks Joycelene for being sooo friendly to me !!!
Okay-s !!! That's all for today !!! Don need to miss me tooooo much !!! Jus joking lar !!! XP
I WAS HERE @ 3:23 AM l

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Yo-z !!!
Wooohoooooooooooooooo !!! Finally , i finished my final examination today !!! Whatsmore , tomorrow and monday is our free day !!! Cos no need to go school !!! MUAHAHAHAHAHHA !!!
Oh ya ! Just got a sms from Firdauz . -.-''' A pervertic sms . About ... Nvm . If u wanna know wat the sms is about , ask me and i will forward it to u . LOL !!!
And today after our oral , went to tampines interchange the KFC there to eat ... Then when we reach there , i decided to sms geraldine and ask her to come and eat wif us !!! And she did come !!! But she never eat.=.=''' And she brought Rui Wen along . HAHA . Anyway , THANKS GERALDINE AND RUI WEN for waiting for 'us' to eat finish !!! XD
Oh yea !!! Guess who i saw in KFC ??? It's none other than ... Sandy Chan Sze Peng . LOL-S !!! Dissapointed to hear her name rite ? HAHAHAHAHA !!! JUS KIDDING LA !!! XP
Oh ya ! Thank You Jeannie for buying me the present !!! Thank You Very Muchiie !!!
Today was another fun day for me !!! All thanks to my beloved frens and seniors !!!
I WAS HERE @ 4:22 AM l

Monday, May 11, 2009
A new baggg
Yo-z !!!
Oh yea !!! Today mum bought a new bag for me !!! And it is that kind of bag that i had always wanted !!! WOOHOOOOOOO !!!
Thanks mum , i love that bag and i will promise to take very very very good care of it !!! XP
I WAS HERE @ 2:01 AM l

Thursday, May 7, 2009
A sorry Message to someone...
Here is something i would like to say...
I don know y i keep avoiding u....
And i don know if i am right to avoid u or not...
And i don know y i keep ignoring u too...
Maybe i jus don know how to express my feelings to u ???
I seriously don know...
I just have this voice telling me that i am right to avoid and ignore u...
I don know y i have this voice telling me to do things...
Or maybe it is a devil who is trying to guide me to a wrong path ???
Or is it an angel guiding me to the right path ???
I really don know what i should do...
Pls forgive me if i have hurt u in anyway...
I really don know what i am doing...
And i really don mean to hurt u in anyways...
PLS FORGIVE ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I WAS HERE @ 10:41 PM l
To someone i love...
This is a message to someone i love...
Love is unpredictable , and cannot be forced... Once it is forced , there will be no happiness...
Love is jus like a beverage...When there is onli 1 person drinking it , it may taste bitter...When there is 2 person drinking it , it may taste sweet...When there is 3 person drinking it , it may taste sour...
Love is just like a trap.Once u step into the trap , u may not be able to get out...
So , think twice and becareful whether u wanna start a relationship with anyone or not...
I WAS HERE @ 4:12 AM l