Vivien Koo Wan Ting' is my perfect name.U can call me '
v' or '
vien' if u wan ! :D
27th February 1996' is when i took my first breath of this wonderful world.[ Buy me presents worh !!! :X ]
'' is where u can chat wif me ! :D
Gongshang Primary School' is where i made my first batch of best friends ! :D
St Hildas Secondary School' is where i made my second batch of best friends ! :D
'I am
single and unavailable.xD
Want my contact numbers ? Get it from me urself ! blehs:P
Last of all , pls don spam my blog ! Thanks , and have fun touring around my blog ! :D
*My friends*
*Cute children*
*Being loved*
*Being left out*
*People who sabotage others*
*People who makes me sad*
*2-headed people*
*Selfish people*
*More pocket money !!! :D *
*More friends !!! :D *
*A hamster !!! :D *
*A Yorkie Teacup[a kind of dog]!!! :D *
*MYUK wallet!!! :D *
*New slingbag !!! :D *
*New phone !!! :D *
*Own room !!! :D *
*New bag pack !!! :D
*A very best fren of MY OWN !!! :D *
*A real volleyball !!! :D *
*A real Crumpler bag :D *

Saturday, January 3, 2009
Zhen Rong tagged me to do this quiz..
RULES:1# People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
2# Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse, these people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by
3# Continue this game by sending it to other people.
1.Do you have secrets?
Yes,of cos !=P
2. Would you fall in love with a guy/girl younger than you?
Depends lor.
3. Do you enjoy going to sch?
YES!!! =D
4. What do you do with a billion dollars?
5. Would you fall in LOVE with ur bestfren?
No of cos ! i am not les! -.-'''
6. Loving someone or being loved?
Being loved.=p
7.Who cant you live without?
My family and my friends.=)
8.Who is your favourite singer/idol?
Too many le.xD
9.Is there anything that has made u extremely happy?
Erm...Too many le la.-.-LLL
10.What makes you angry?
Ppl who takes my things without permission and ppl who are 2-headed snakes.
11.How would you see urself in 10 yrs time?
12.Who is currently the most important person to you?
My family and my friends lor.=D
13. What is the most important thing in life?
14. Do you like to be insane?
Of cos NOT !
15. What is ur fav colour?
White,pink,purple,black and light blue.
16. Would you give ur all in a relationship?
See first lor.=p
17. Would you dare to express your feelings to the guy/girl you like ?
Not really.=P
18. Would you forgive n forget no matter how horrible a thing the som1 has done ?
See first lor.xD
19. What would u want to tell the person you like?
20. 5 ppl u have tagged:Xin hui,Jin Ping,Joanne,Chervina,Amamda.=P
I WAS HERE @ 10:17 PM l