Vivien Koo Wan Ting' is my perfect name.U can call me '
v' or '
vien' if u wan ! :D
27th February 1996' is when i took my first breath of this wonderful world.[ Buy me presents worh !!! :X ]
'' is where u can chat wif me ! :D
Gongshang Primary School' is where i made my first batch of best friends ! :D
St Hildas Secondary School' is where i made my second batch of best friends ! :D
'I am
single and unavailable.xD
Want my contact numbers ? Get it from me urself ! blehs:P
Last of all , pls don spam my blog ! Thanks , and have fun touring around my blog ! :D
*My friends*
*Cute children*
*Being loved*
*Being left out*
*People who sabotage others*
*People who makes me sad*
*2-headed people*
*Selfish people*
*More pocket money !!! :D *
*More friends !!! :D *
*A hamster !!! :D *
*A Yorkie Teacup[a kind of dog]!!! :D *
*MYUK wallet!!! :D *
*New slingbag !!! :D *
*New phone !!! :D *
*Own room !!! :D *
*New bag pack !!! :D
*A very best fren of MY OWN !!! :D *
*A real volleyball !!! :D *
*A real Crumpler bag :D *

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Haiz...Yesterday went to hospital because of high fever and keep coughing scared that i nid to stay in hospital for observation...hahas...luckily no nid to stay...But still went for blood test and X-ray....
i went for the blood test first...It is PAIN!!! Then the doctor still ask me what kind of cartoon i like...Diaoz...i totally ignore
When i was in the X-ray room,i was told to stand in front of a black black was so scared lor...don know what is going to happen...then i blur blur stand there...after taking X-ray then i went out to wait for the doctor to call for me to go in...wait for about 1 hour plus then the doctor call for me...-.-lll...iwent into the room and the doctor start talk talk talk talk...then i hear hear hear hear hear...hear until more blur...then can go home liao......finally..hahas...WHAT A FRIGTHENING NIGHT....LOL
I WAS HERE @ 10:15 PM l

Sunday, June 1, 2008
WOW!!! LOl...I went to a camp organised by my school...IT WAS SUCH FUN!!!! Even though the camp was only 1 day...we had a lot of things to play...On the first day,we went dragon boating at the KALLANG MARINA...our class were divided into 2 groups :Group A and Group B...All the group Bs start first...I was in group A,and while the group Bs are drangon boating, our teacher brought us to a beach nearby to spend our time playing there,while waiting for our turn to dragonboat...It was a humid day then,and all of us were perspiring after playing the games...After that,we followed the teachers back to dragonboat....we went the wrong way at first..but in the end,we managed to go back to the same place...Then we went down to the boat....when everyone was on board,the instructors help us to push the boat away from the shore...All of us were screaming as the boat seems to be sinking...But after a while,we got used to it,and we started rowing the boat...During the lesson,we were spashed wet by our instructor who was standing at the end of the boat...Soon,after we hav learned the techniques to row the boat,we went to ''attack'' other boats by spashing water at them...and they spashed water at us too....after we got really wet,we went for a race...I felt dissapointed as we got second and not first for the race...But we went back to school happily and wet after we revenge(we splashed water at our 2 instructors)....I WISH THAT I COULD GO CAMPING AGAIN....IT WAS SUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!
I WAS HERE @ 12:39 AM l