Vivien Koo Wan Ting' is my perfect name.U can call me '
v' or '
vien' if u wan ! :D
27th February 1996' is when i took my first breath of this wonderful world.[ Buy me presents worh !!! :X ]
'' is where u can chat wif me ! :D
Gongshang Primary School' is where i made my first batch of best friends ! :D
St Hildas Secondary School' is where i made my second batch of best friends ! :D
'I am
single and unavailable.xD
Want my contact numbers ? Get it from me urself ! blehs:P
Last of all , pls don spam my blog ! Thanks , and have fun touring around my blog ! :D
*My friends*
*Cute children*
*Being loved*
*Being left out*
*People who sabotage others*
*People who makes me sad*
*2-headed people*
*Selfish people*
*More pocket money !!! :D *
*More friends !!! :D *
*A hamster !!! :D *
*A Yorkie Teacup[a kind of dog]!!! :D *
*MYUK wallet!!! :D *
*New slingbag !!! :D *
*New phone !!! :D *
*Own room !!! :D *
*New bag pack !!! :D
*A very best fren of MY OWN !!! :D *
*A real volleyball !!! :D *
*A real Crumpler bag :D *

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
haiz..nth much to do during this week of holiday....sleep,eat,sleep,eat,sleep, ending...
I WAS HERE @ 10:38 PM l